Relaxing dog walk near Largeasse, France

About 3 miles from Largeasse and just off the D136. A quiet area with plenty of opportunity for some off lead excercise. Our boy loved exploring all the new scents as well as paddling in the river while the humans tried to make the stones 'rock'.

Once you are close there are road signs Le Rocher Branlant.
How to get there
From The Marie in the centre of Largeasse head out onto Rue de la République/D136 - towards L'Absie. After 2.5 miles turn left onto Les Cossonières. After 0.2 miles turn right toward Le Rocher Branlant. Turn left toward Le Rocher Branlant. After 0.1 miles turn right onto Le Rocher Branlant. After about 0.1 miles you will have reached the destination
Full Walk Details
From the carpark head downhill. There are no defined pathways so just follow your 4 legged friend! There are also a few picnic tables.