M18 Doncaster North Services dog walk, Yorkshire
The dog walk starts from the outskirts of the services perimeter, and is easy to follow. Avoid this one in wet weather if you don't have wellies as the ground is very boggy.
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Pink 235 PointsEdited: 18th March 2024. The details of this listing may have changed, and though the Driving with Dogs team do our best to confirm the accuracy of every listing, we cannot guarantee that the details are fully up to date and accurate.
Good service station
We stayed in the Travelodge here and whilst we didn’t attempt the walk because there had been 24 hours of heavy rain, there is a decent sized grassy area round the back of the hotel where doggies can have a better than average sniff around than you get at most service stations. It’s tucked around the back of the hotel so fine for off lead if your dog has good recall and is not too much of a wanderer, but more the size of a big garden than a field.