Woodland dog walk in County Cork, RoI A dog-pleasing woodland which is well worth a visit. The walk is not overlong and does have a few hilly moments.
Woodland dog walk, beach, fish shack and a ruined church, RoI Woodland trails that are perfect for dogs. It's a good place to enjoy some country sniffing and there's the option for a swim afterwards.
Spectacular scenic dog walk in County Kerry, RoI A dog walk in a truly spectacular location. It is a good hour's walk and is well worth it, if only for the view as you drive away from the car park.
Hurt forest dog walk near Farley Heath, Surrey Another fabulous dog walking adventure in the forest. This car park seems to be the local favourite and your dog will find herself with plenty of new doggie friends here.
Peaslake dog walk in the forest, Surrey Another great dog walk space in the enormous Hurt Forest. This is one of the more popular car parks and there's an honesty box for donations.
A25 dog walk near Dorking, Surrey Tucked away in the Surrey Hills, these woodlands are calming and inspirational. Charles Darwin often walked past these trees although whether he had a dog or not is open to question.
Pointe de la Coubre dog-friendly beach, France Great dog walks in France off the D25 Fabulous place for a walk, and lots to see in this unique maritime forest and environs. Just gorgeous. A climb up the lighthouse is great for kids (but no dogs).
A62 Exit 9 near St-Nicolas de la Grave, France Junction 9 A longer walk, and an alternative to the country park for people and dogs who really want to stride out.
Woodland walk by the River Avonmore, RoI This is one of the largest working oak woods in the country, and it's a gorgeous place to spot red squirrels. There are a couple of trails to follow, or just have a wander as the mood strikes.
Glenbarrow, RoI Unbelievably scenic walk routes, with waterfalls and forest paths - it's pure delight.
A20 exit 53 Turenne doggiestop, France Junction 53 Cahors Completely charming village with a very imposing castle perched above it. Well worth a visit, especially if you time your visit for a long French lunch in one of the restaurants!